May 2012

Thurs. 5/3 - 8PM
Film Screening + Q&A

An evening of short films by Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Sam Green, followed by a 30 minute Q&A.

Sam Green (THE WEATHER UNDERGROUND) has been mak­ing award-winning short doc­u­men­taries since the late 1990s. This pro­gram gath­ers together for the first time an evening length pro­gram of Green’s short films, rang­ing from a por­trait of the world’s largest shop­ping mall in South­ern China, which is actu­ally com­pletely empty (UTOPIA PT 3), to an elegy for Mered­ith Hunter, the young man who was killed by Hells Angels at the noto­ri­ous 1969 Alta­mont con­cert (lot 63, grave c). Other films from the pro­gram include: THE FABULOUSSTAINS: BEHIND THE MOVIE, the remark­able story of the cult film directed by Lou Adler in 1982. And Green’s new film THE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE is a por­trait of Esperanto, an arti­fi­cial lan­guage that was cre­ated in the late 1800s with the hope of cre­at­ing world peace, and the world­wide move­ment of peo­ple who still speak it. Run­ning through Green’s films is a cel­e­bra­tion of ide­al­ism and the search for mean­ing along with the often humor­ous real­i­ties of human folly.

8-9:20PMUtopia Part 3: the World’s Largest Shop­ping Mall – 13:08, 2009
Pie Fight ’69 – 8:03, 2000
The Fab­u­lous Stains: Behind the Movie – 11:00, 1999
lot 63, grave c – 9:47, 2006
N-Judah 5:30 – 3:18, 2004
Clear Glasses – 4:13, 2008
The Uni­ver­sal Lan­guage – 30:00, 2011

9:30-10PM Q&A